Originally Posted by low&slow
I rode the bike today with the 15/41 gearing ( vs 14/45 stock ) today and it is much improved. I can confirm that the rpms are now down to ~6000 at 60 rpm. The bike still accelerates very well and actually it can handle even taller gearing. I'm using Alan Smith's spare rear sprocket right now and he also has a 39 tooth rear he offered to let me use. He is currently running a 37 tooth rear right now. I also have the 33 tooth rear that GreenJoe sent me . I'll run this setup for a bit and test it. I'll post the results shiortly.
all the best L&S
Given that you said that with the stock final drive gearing 14/45 you were turning 8500rpm at 75mph by my math you would be turning 6800rpm at 60mph so the present 15/41 final drive gearing, drops the rpm to 6000rpm or 12%.

How is starting out on hills with the new gearing?
Have you notice that your ability to maintain a high speed against hills and headwinds has been deminished in 6th gear?