Well, I sold my electric bike. I bought a 24v global ebike for $25. I had it running for a little over $100. Top speed was 14mph. It was a fun project but mainly it was a toy. At 90lbs it was too heavy to pedal. Some light training and I could easily outpace it with my regular old trek hybrid. For between $500-1000 I could have upgraded it to make it more usable but I can go everywhere I need to within 3 miles. I felt it would not make economic sense. I also realized the AGM 14.5amp hr pack was horribly heavy. The bike was unpleasant to use for trips longer than 1-2 miles. Range was 6-8 miles using moderate elec assist. I weigh 230lbs, all up weight was 320lbs. I decided to wait a while and let better battery tech mature before I try again. I also bartered a 500w chain drive 36volt 3 wheel scooter for 2 hours work. I was going to do a left side spoke drive on an old coaster brake cruiser. I went as far as getting all the parts and then someone made me an offer for the scooter I couldn't refuse.