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Old 01-23-2012, 03:31 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Electictracer View Post
I'm convinced. My MPG as dropped so much this winter I have got to do something. I normally warm my truck up 5 mins prior to taking off.
Wait, you live in Eugene Oregon and you warm your vehicle up for 5 minutes? I lived out there for a year and it never even got cold! at least not cold enough to have to warm up a vehicle before driving it.
Even last week when it was -5F I didn't bother warming up my car much longer then it takes to put my seat belt on, I do have an electric ceramic heater on the dash to help keep the windshield frost free because it takes just over ten minutes to get to work and I'm less then a mile a way before the engine is warm enough for the defrost to start working, then I park in the sun if I can so the inside of my car is already warmed up when it's time to go home.

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