Thread: Oregon commuter
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Old 01-23-2012, 10:54 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by beatr911 View Post
Electictracer, you seem to be chasing the holy grail of motorcycle mpg geeks. Actually it's not that far off to being accomplished. You are probably overthinking it a little with the full enclosure, not that that is bad, but simpler is better and probably cheaper.

Several people are getting near 100 mpg with ninja 250s with riding and gearing changes. Craig Vetter ( is approaching his goals with the ninja now to see what can be accomplished with that bike. The CBR250R is better yet but not cheap - yet. Also, follow Low and Slow here and his build.

It looks like there is some fine tuning of the older Ninjas that really puts up good mileage numbers. Improving aerodynamics is the key to >100 mpg that also benefits rider comfort to a very high degree.

If you can find a way to easily and cheaply make a durable full enclosure we will honor you with heaps of praise and your patent infringement rights. Seems good, easy, slippery, DIY bodywork is a tough nut to crack. If you can demonstrate a better way, we (at least I) am all ears! There is surely a better way than what we've seen so far.
Thanks, I hope this project might in some way help peaple out with ideas, and they can help me with their ideas. I thought 100 mpg would be an attainable goal. The extra weight of the body will have a negative effect, but should offset these losses by reducing drag. Still I wonder how much I will be able to gear it up. Full enclosure is a decision I made for comfort over cost.
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