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Old 01-24-2012, 03:36 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Neil read my post # 52 above with the link to the Chiron free piston engine. I think they are in the neighborhood of 55% thermal efficiency. I also believe that is measured in the produced hydraulic pressure, which eliminates the engine driving a separate pump and the corresponding losses. I would absolutely love to have one of those in my prototype.

They also make a version that is a linear electric generator or alternator (not sure which). It can also run on many different liquid fuels.

Also read the section in the site about the electric hydraulic hybrid, something that I have tried to present for quite some time, incorporating regenerative efficiencies hydraulically that mirror your beliefs that electric motors are substantially more efficient than IC engines.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the next decade as development of batteries and IC engines will progress, probably at a very high rate. I see all vehicle efficiencies doubling in the next decade. It will be quite a show to watch.


Neil, did you even bother to read the link I suggested in this post.

You claim 20% efficiency for an IC engine when accelerating.
That's a complete falsehood. IC engines are at their most efficient under accelerating.
You claim good efficiency in regeneration for an electric vehicle, then you claim they need no transmission, as well as basically claim they need no maintenance.
All false.
Make legitimate claims and DO the research you need to be educated in the topic when you make claims that are not substantiated by facts, most here know already. To make false claims about poor IC efficiency when the facts do not support your claim just confirms you do not want to make any unbiased comparison, in other words a biased agenda not supported by facts.

Fact. the linked article you seemed to ignore shows 55% efficiency for the Chiron motor.
Fact, an electric motor is less efficient from a dead stop, in some cases lower than the Chiron.
Fact. Even if you have an electric car you still have maintenance. Would you like me to list all the components that still will need replacement.
Tires, axles, brakes, differential, shock absorbers, wiper blades, light bulbs, heater, air conditioner, alignment.
Fact. Consumer Reports tested the Leaf and it cost you 15% in electricity lost to charge the battery, that's meter to discharge of the battery, so you should reduce every claim by that amount, instead of evading the fact that I pay for fuel at the pump, and I get 100% of what I pay for, while your electric car only returns 85% of what you pay for.

I can continue for for the sake of some brevity maybe YOU should name the common parts on every vehicle you think do not exist on an electric vehicle.
Fact. A direct drive engine to wheel electric vehicle still needs a differential and its regenerative capability is 30% or less. Hydraulic Hybrids were 78% 5 years ago.

Fact. There is no way you can recover even 30% of decelerative energy in any direct drive electric vehicle, even with a 400 pound battery.
The reason your electric motor is simply not spinning fast enough to generate that kind of energy, and even if it could, that battery can not accept energy at that rate.

Here are some facts for you Neil.

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