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Old 05-24-2008, 10:23 PM   #29 (permalink)
Bror Jace
Recycling Nazi
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Blue Bullet - '06 Honda Civic Sedan LX
90 day: 35.68 mpg (US)
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Yes Daox, I'd figure some of that wear is break-in ... and I don't have a baseline for that sort of vehicle.

But the one number issue that really stood out for me was the viscosity of this "premium" gear oil after less than 30,000 miles (recommended intervals for manual transmissions start at around 30,000 miles and go past 100,000 to 'lifetime' fills).

Oil starts off (supposedly) 16.5 cSt or more and it sheared to a 11.6. Imagine that oil left in that tranny for double or triple that time? Most Nissan trannies now call for a 12.5 cSt GL-4 gear oil ... this stuff started out high then sheared down to well below spec. I wonder how much Synchromax shears?

I've seen RP motor oil shear alarmingly before ... but some of that might have been fuel dilution. That's not the case with an oil in a tranny. The oil in this case simply couldn't take it.

Thanks, but I'll choose another brand ... plenty of good ones out there.
--- Bror Jace
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