so ben and metro. you guys ever seen one of these WF120V-2T little trucks? I am looking to get an electric car SO BADLY its making me sick. $7k is sooo sooo close to affordable to me. I might be able to get half of it selling my Thing and maybe a third of it selling my jeep and minivan. SOOOOOOO close.
but if it really does suck I can't afford to blow that much cash. I don't expect the best quality from a sub $4000 car (thats about what they cost) just "good enough" to get me going to handle all my local under 20 mile stuff. would save me a grand a year and get me going on electrics.
maybe later I could replace the leads with some A123 packs (they sell motorcycle packs on ebay for $100) one at at time. one at a time. so tempting.
but the lack of info is crazy. I mean NOTHING I spent hours googling and my google fu has simply failed me. I can find so much as a mention or a picture EXCEPT on wildfire's site.
lots of little bits (not much) on the car. but nothing on the little truck.
what about the DRIVE components of this thing? these tires are the same size as my metro came with stock.
can the motor trans controller be had separatly? if they can bring the car here for $2300-$3500 with batteries that has to make those components pretty cheap.
maybe I could save a TON of cash and retrofit a metro (about the same weight ok maybe 500 pounds heavier with batteries)
I really don't mind if it only goes 30mph at first till I upgrade the pack.
I just want an electric so badly its driving me nuts.