Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Surely you have something more economical to commute with?
I do. Two more economical vehicles actually. I own a 2008 Chevy HHR, but my girlfriend uses that as her daily driver. And a 1988 Mercury Grand Marquis, which I get mid-20 mpgs out of. But the truck is the winter commuter, I'm trying to protect the Marquis from the snow and salt.
I do what I can to hypermile, and have been getting 17-18mpg out of the truck with a full bed cap. Plus, working for the railroad, I drive into work once and work two days. So I only drive ~300 miles my six day work week. I was car pooling with a coworker, but we're on different schedules now. I'm hoping it'll fall back into place again, as that cut the mileage even more.