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Old 01-27-2012, 06:42 PM   #28 (permalink)
My way is the low way
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
...have you considered installing one of the 1970's MoPar "vapor-seporator" fuel filter cans just before the flow-meter unit?
I quess you meant this question for me?

Well, the answer is no, since I never had seen or heard of this kind of separator before.
But I created a system of my own. Since the mechanical fuel pump attached to engine block gets hot, it will make the fuel boil. Especially when the flow is slow. (and I have tried insulating gaskets in between) And the bubbles will expand in both ways.
So I installed the flow sensor before the fuel pump and also put 1 meter of fuel hose and a big fuel filter in front of the sensor to catch the bubbles.
This setup helped to get more accurate readings, but there was also quite big delay in the readings.
But I hope that the electrical fuel pump will solve the vapour things, since it's not connected to the hot engine.

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