Proving a scientific theory is not science without data to back it up or to de-bunk it. I have read no posts on this forum in which the disbelieving author had anything but theory to support his claims. I see many claims that it is impossible to surpass unity but that is not the argument. The supporters of HHO are not claiming that HHO is the primary fuel so the claims of energy losses from the alternator are irrelevant to the argument and fail as argumentum ignoriantium logic.
Detractors are helping no one by saying it cannot work based on a conservation of energy argument because no one is claiming that I know of here to exceed unity with regard to energy production. I have no idea of this H injection works but equally I have seen no scientific data to show me that it does not and do not have a dog in this fight.
The point is question is does the hotter-burning and faster ignition provided by hydrogen result in more efficient burning of the fuel. If the addition of H gas to the chamber results in more of the primary fuel then one would theorize more fuel economy would result.
Every fuel yields varying efficiency and is altered by many factors such as additives in particular. I know that in my vehicle, driving under the same conditions of terrain, city, highway, temperature, etc that I saw approximately a 30 percent drop in economy when the mandate for 10% ethanol was instituted. For an answer we need either side of this argument to present cold hard facts and results and get away from the useless conjecture.
Another important point is that if anyone is trying to run hydrogen without managing the 02 sensors, then the tests will be pointless because the computer will incorrectly be forced by the on-board computer to incorrectly read lean or rich and make incorrect adjustments to the fuel mixture.
Importantly a few contributors here have suggested simply hooking up a tank of hydrogen and testing. This is totally absurd and may very easily get someone killed. Several things would have to be accounted for to prevent converting the vehicle to a moving high-impact and lethal bomb. With an incorrectly configured system a simple backfire would detonate the system and likely kill anyone nearby. Such a suggestion of a "simple" test is wholly irresponsible. Additionally as noted above to get any results of usefulness one would have to control the feedback from the o2 sensors.
Last edited by iluvit; 01-28-2012 at 12:46 AM..