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Old 01-28-2012, 03:29 PM   #68 (permalink)
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If you plan on using H2 gas get an LPG setup and a flashback arrestor. There are already safe methods of putting flamable gass's into your car. No sense discovering how explosive a can of compressed gas is.

Originally Posted by dcb View Post
Sounds horribly overcomplicated. I'm not suggesting that you follow through with this experiment, but starting with a tank of hydrogen to quantify it's effects under different conditions makes the most sense to me, then figure out how to make that hydrogen efficiently if there are significant gains to be made (your assertion, not mine)
Nasa did this already, but that was before electronicly controlled ignition among other things, which may help a bit but I think we are slicing pennies even if it did work.

Hydrogen is a known reformer gas used in the processes to break down components within crude into gasoline.

I don't say that HHO does anything more than a mild water mist but...

If people want to setup PROPER testing procedures and test this it is fine by me.

The trouble is I have a feeling that the effects of water misting/steam in the intake needs to be taken into account and the usual changes to ignition are already known (aka lean burn works on its own with or without HHO)

Something else a bit odd, is that the places that are selling diesel emulsion systems many times use HHO in their "water" they mix into the diesel along with a effectively a soap to hold the stuff together, several systems are already being used in campus by a few companies, so maybe there is a use for HHO, use it to help emulsify oil and water.

What I would love to see is a true dyno test of water mist, lean burn and other understood technolgies used in place of HHO and then test the same with HHO to see if it has any effect on the known knock point, timing, minimum A/F, power etc. My guess is it would, but only if you used compressed H2 from a tank.

Do these tests the right way and it will either show improvement or not.

Personally a DIY computer controlled lean burn/water mist add on for existing cars would be a nice fuel economy product and it would actually work (unlike most of them) if it was apart of something like megasquirt and tuned correctly.

I would add water injection and lean burn to my cobalt if I could make it computer controlled just like the ECU does now.

I would also like to try onboard water emulsification with fuel to see what affects it has on FE, I would think onboard would be best since the cost of soap and other BS would not be needed for "spot" use, I have never believed the claims of similar fuel economy but heck, who knows?

Aw well nice pipe dream. Lean burn is for hondas only I guess.
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