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Old 01-31-2012, 05:47 AM   #33 (permalink)
My way is the low way
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Originally Posted by TheTestPilot View Post
you get pulse width variation by default on my circuit ,(so you need to count the 0 volts "on" time of the output) , which is the same as a fuel injector signal but a lot less pulses & that is where my problem lay ,with the sensors I have previously tested .
The speed sensor I assume just counts the change from 12 volts to 0 volts & not pulse width.

Still no hot weather to test vapour issues ,February is traditionally the hotest month here ,mostly high 30's so here hoping.
Greetings from the opposite side of the globe!
February is usually our coldest month here. Now we have -15*C and plenty of snow.
I took this picture once I was coming from work by bicycle.

Thanks for the schematic! I might use that for my speed sensor.

I think you are right that you can get pwm from your fuel sensor since paddlewheel speed will wary. But I would think it would be more accurate, if you could modify the MPGuino code for counting the amount of pulses.

Summer vehicle

My dad's tire pressure is much higher than your dad's!
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