Just FYI... Most road sensors are inductive sensors as opposed to pressure sensors

Which is why bicycles might not trigger them
I've noticed in Orlando that there's two sets of road sensors... One about 50-100 yards from the light, and another set at the light itself... I don't know if they're using it to figure out when traffic is coming, or when the light has backed up cars up to that point

But they're only in the heavily used roads...
Rather than tell people how long they have to hit a green (resulting in people laying down on the gas)... Tell them how fast they need to go to hit a green

A buddy of mine was telling me about a system just like that in Poland. The speed sign (not necessarily limit) starts at some speed and will go up/down as time passes to ensure you get a green. Apparently, your idle time goes down to near zero (unless you need to make a turn across the other right of way)