Been running off the distance/routes to Michigan City . . .
just in case things take a wrong turn?
Joking aside, I know it's a good thing you live in a state where the very name of the state penitentiary isn't infamous, unlike the South where
Angola, Parchman Farm, Raiford and
Huntsville cast a pall on any conversation.
Uncle Bud Russell was not the dude whose truck you'd ever want to ride in, fast or slow. Known as
The One Way Wagon. The song,
The Midnight Special, in Leadbelly's version has a verse about ridin' with Uncle Bud from the county jail to "the walls" (Huntsville).
30-years and 3.9 million miles transferring prisoners from all 254 Texas counties first to Huntsville, and thence out to the plantations along the Brazos river. Known for his economy in prisoner and truck costs while underway. [The man on the right in the tall Stetson.] He was one of us because he could run that truck over 200k miles on but two sets of tires.