3amps. really not much power and I plan to run it at HALF that power since its really designed for the demands of a much larger engine. a metro engine really does not need all that much coolant flow to cool the engine. you could almost aircool the thing.
with 2 deepcycles I would only need to charge once a week in the summer taking the batts to 50% SOC. (I am also changing ALL lights to LED including the headlights as soon as I can figure out a practical safe legal way to do it IE get them certed)
You also have 2 more issues to content with.
1st amount of power is not really relevant (unless you don't have enough) your "cost per watt" is relevant. you see I plan to also remove the crank pulley (maybe leave it if i go with an aluminum underdrive.)
NO belts at all. the engine will have one function. move the car. USUALLY if i am using the brakes the engine is off so I won't be able to recover that waste energy in that manner.
electricity from my outlet is far far cheaper than even the meager amount of gas the alternator uses AND I thought someone estimated that a geo alternator consumes upwards of 10% of the engines power.
I plan later to add solar panels to the roof for daytime charging. in the summer the solar panels should over the period of a week replace more power than I "use" driving the car so I would never need to plug in. (this would not be the case in the winter where sun charging is reduced and power usage is increased (more headlight usage and more blower usage)
in mild winter weather when alone I can get away with forced air heat. IE just let the wind force the air through the heat ducts without using the blower at all.
I also want to play around with HT peltiers for waste power extraction. Was also thinking direct heat extraction from the exhaust to heat the car but this carries significant risks (gassing) that I am NOT willing to risk. so thinking of another solution around that. I am thinking floor heat like heated floors in a house using heat from the exhaust to heat copper piping with a coolant inside that then gets routed under the carpets and maybe even into the seats themselves for direct passenger heating (would be WELL below dangerous heat temps by the time it covered that much distance)
I am hoping to squeeze 70mpg out of this car WITHOUT serous EOC or serious hypermiling.
I am already hitting 60mpg pretty easily so I think all this combined with aero mods should get me their pretty easily.
I want to show that a CONSUMER CAR can in fact do this.