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Old 02-03-2012, 01:55 AM   #7 (permalink)
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The Toylet - '87 Toyota Supra 350 Chevy V8 / 700R4

In-Durrrr-Oh - '09 TMEC Enduro TMEC 200cc Enduro
90 day: 60.9 mpg (US)

Tem-poo - '86 Ford Tempo GL 4 Door 2.0 Liter Diesel 5 Speed
90 day: 47.52 mpg (US)

Ass Tick - '01 Pontiac Pontiac Aztek GT 5 Door

Green Baby Poop Stain - '01 Pontiac Aztek Aztek Base Model

Black Track - '01 Pontiac Aztek GT
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Thanks to everyone. Some of the points and ideas wasn't something I'd considered.
The diesel should run at the same rpm as the gas engine. The transmission will be a 700R4 transmission with a large trans cooler. Figure out a reliable way to run the torque converter lock. Don't think I can use an aftermarket lockup kit because the engine will be a diesel and the vacuum would be wrong. Using a manual trans is way to much work and would send the cost of the build over the top of my $2k budget. But, it would be sweet!

Found this while reading on how to find the right 700R4 and wire it right.
""I've got converter lockup controlled by a 4th gear pressure switch along with a manual switch. It is disconnected by the brake switch, AND the TPS (throttle position switch) on the injection pump. If you are converting your truck from the TH400, over to the 700R4/4L60 - I sugest you remove your VRV from the injection pump, and install a TPS switch. This way, when ever you take your foot of the "gas pedal", the converter cannot lock. It's a nice feature. ""

Not sure how the 700R4 was hooked to the 6.2 that I have. Used the trans on an IROC project here while back. Will get a 700R4 and hook it to the engine prior to install. Have everything ready to drop in before I even begin. Guess I'll make a list here so I can use it as a guide.
700R4 @$100-200
Diesel Torque converter @$200
Engine oil cooler $50
Fuel filter and mount $75
Exhaust hung and installed $200
Misc parts $275
Hopefully keep within budget. Biggest battle isn't the install of the diesel into the car. It's convincing the wife it's a good idea! She thinks the Durango is nice and comfy. I hate it! 16-18 MPG just plain sucks! The wagon actually has more room, gets better mileage and drives better. She's not sold on the idea yet. But she'll come around. If nothing else, I'll cut the top off it like the Roadmaster Wagon. She really hated that one. Wouldn't even ride in it! Come on babe, it's a convertible! (Imagine an el camino like station wagon cut from the front glass and the bottom pillars with a sawzall/no top) Not fond of the Kammback on the Tempo either. Can't understand why?
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