Okay, so OBDwis support is telling me:
Based on the log, your vehicle doesn't report the PID required for the direct fuel calculation method. You will have to use mass airflow.
Personally, I find this hard to believe (that my vehicle doesn't have a direct fueling PID). Somehow the fueling info has to get to the factory display (which only reads average fuel economy). Plus, I know that some of the diesel tuners display instant mpg. I'm going to have to do some research to find out how those devices do it.
And the suggestion of using MAF is rediculous in my opinion. Air fuel ratio is going to vary from under 20:1 to over 40:1 in a diesel--knowing air flow won't tell you hardly anything about fuel flow. I can guess my instantaeous FE better than that. Plus I tried the MAF method and it read zero fuel flow at idle.
Grrr, I'm frustrated.