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Old 02-04-2012, 07:16 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by magicmanwon View Post
Has anyone tried H2O (browns gas) Generators?
Don't waste your time and money on it.
There has been a lot of talk about it (search for HHO), but we're still waiting for a confirmed positive and verifiable result.

On the plus side :
Adding an easily combusted gas to diesel helps - it's been or being done with LPG, CNG, and H2 - as it reduces both the diesel and the total amount of fuel being used.
The total amount of fuel being reduced, means the diesel is burned more efficiently - there's also drawbacks to that, as higher temperatures lead to more NOx gasses in the exhaust.

The negative side :
You'd have to make the H2 and O2 gasses out of water by electrolysis, using electricity generated on-board by the alternator.
- the electrolysis device isn't 100% efficient, first loss.
- the alternator in your car isn't 100% efficient either, second loss.
- the engine driving that alternator, has even worse efficiency, greatest loss.

Result : any H2 you'd generate on-board, would come at a high energy deficiency. The beneficial effect of better / more complete combustion won't make up for the inefficient H2 generator.

I wouldn't add H2 to a diesel. It burns too hot and too easily.
But diesel+CNG is becoming more popular - though it comes at a price because of the CNG installation.
Not worth it on a vehicle from the 80s that doesn't see much use.

Have you considered switching to biodiesel ?
That'd reduce your impact significantly.
Strayed to the Dark Diesel Side

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