Originally Posted by HydroJim
Since I started driving in December(just got my temps), whenever someone tailgates me excessively through there, I'll keep my speed under 5 mph. They can't pass because there is a center divider and it brings me so much satisfaction that I made their useless life so much worse.
Who appointed you to be the speed police?
You are deliberately driving extra slowly for the specific purpose of punishing other drivers.
I've seen the middle finger a lot, but I refuse to give it back because I will not play into the ignorance of the average american.
It's no wonder you are getting the finger a lot. You deserve it.
One time, two people people were tailgating my sister and I while she was driving the speed limit to our apartment. After we parked, the fat couple pulled up behind us in their big SUV and stared at me as I got out of the passenger seat. I had just gotten out of baseball practice and had 2 bats with me. When the kept staring, I got one out and started walking toward the car(I'd say I'm pretty intimidating at 5' 11" and 185 pounds). As I got closer to the car, they drove away, so I never got to confront those obese idiots about what they were thinking. Someday, I'm going to get out of my car at a red light and ask the person behind me what their problem is. Then I'll tell you guys what is on "other drivers' minds"
You are looking for trouble and someday you will find it. In my state (which is actually a very Liberal one) approaching someone in a threatening way with a potential weapon (read: baseball bat) is justifiable grounds for initiating self defense under the law.
Your described situations show a passive-aggressive attitude. Unless you change your ways, you can expect more troublesome incidents in the future..