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Old 02-05-2012, 05:52 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ladogaboy View Post
Sorry, you are wrong. Two car lengths is not a safe stopping distance, even at 30 mph.
I said:
If you were actually going 30-35 and the other car was two car lengths back (which is what you initially said), that's hardly extreme tailgaiting.
As I recall the recommended safe distance is supposedly one car length for every 10 MPH of speed. Two car lengths for 30 mph is not extreme tailgaiting, It may not be optimal, but it's not extreme, either.

Also, you must have misread. He gave me LESS distance on the second slow down.
Less meaning two car lengths as opposed to originally ten. Again, it is his problem, not yours. (BTW, I've never seen a car "on three tires" - unless you are speaking metaphorically.) If your car was showing no brake lights you are contributing to a potentially unsafe situation.
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