Originally Posted by low&slow
Sendler, Thats a pretty tight tuck. Do you have a large tankbag to help prop you up? Very small frontal and side area though. 
I am actually already laying on the tank when I ride like that. The tank on the CBR250R sits up much higher than my new gen Ninja which is again higher than your pregen. The Honda is really made perfectly for laying on the tank. Very comfortable and relaxed for all day rides. The handle bars are wide as most "normal riders" prefer. I am going to move my hands in 2 inches with new bars and get my elbows in on my knees with setback pegs. An aero, boattail trunk for my groceries (camping gear) and down two on the back sprocket to go with my plus one in the front and I will be done with that bike. When Craig gets his fairings done, I will try a feet forward dustbin with a CBR125R or SH150i scooter.