While I believe that you are always perfectly within your right, under law, to not drive the exact speed limit, I find that it is less stressful, when you're on a road with few passing opportunities, to pull over and let assholes past.
One funny thing happened to me a few months ago. As I write car reviews for a website, I often drive a different car every few weeks. This time, I had a Toyota Yaris sedan with an absolutely outlandish "TRD" body kit on it. Absolutely garish and hideously expensive. I was driving at around 65 mph on the way home (sort of in a hurry... since I'd done all the economy testing portion of the drive, I wasn't consciously trying to save gas) when I passed another Yaris sedan.
Same color. Same year model, and this car had the skirts, the spoiler and a hood scoop, too. Even better, he had LEDs plastered all over the car, even inside the hood scoop.
Didn't take a psychic to figure out what he was going to do next. Extreme tailgating, high revving... close overtakes. I saw them all in the span of the next ten minutes. Apparently my ugly little car was an affront to his ugly little car.
Funny thing, he was hitting speeds in excess of 80 mph, and I still got to my off-ramp before he did, driving more or less in a perfectly straight line.
Hunh. Go figure.