Thread: 40 mpg s10 2.2L
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Old 02-06-2012, 01:59 PM   #23 (permalink)
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The OBD2 systems I have worked with will stay in closed-loop during a WOT pass, though the adaptive fueling is put on hold until the PE flag is turned back off.

I haven't worked with everything out there, - mostly Chevys actually, but I wouldn't really trust the O/L - C/L flag to determine fuel enrichment.

You may be able to coax your ALDL reading software to look for the PE flag if you know the memory location and bit postion. It's just all-around easier for me to just watch either a real AFR meter, or display the commanded AFR on your data display.
When in any sort of fuel enrichment you will see it via the commanded AFR.
I think the DashCommand app displays commanded AFR for most vehicles.

Best bet is to test out what you've got and how it reacts. There are lots of little differences between the calibrations of different models. I don't really trust any of them because I've been jaded. lol
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