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Old 02-07-2012, 07:55 PM   #78 (permalink)
MPG Militia HMV-25E80+A
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Location: Vermont, USA
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FrankenJetta D - '90 Volkswagen Jetta GL
Boat tails and more mods
90 day: 64.35 mpg (US)
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Winter happened, mostly. I probably will have a window at some point. Camera is in the works. As long as I have two outside mirrors, I'm OK for legality( I do State inspections at work).

Smoothing it out and getting the final shape will be the next stage, with emphasis on making a "shell" over what I will have as a final shape. The last half inch or so will probably be fiberglass mat and the internal structure will be removed/reworked into a support. I'm thinking Spring-ish, I've got some engine work ahead of that right now.

It is always very amusing how our imagination is put to the test when overcoming reality. Redyaris
Boat tail project
How to gently bump start during EOC
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