I can see where some of the confusion is coming in. I thanked Ken for the link he posted out of a great appreciation for his (and everyone's) generosity, before reading it. The article does tend to get things turned around a bit at times. The initial " Push left, lean left, go left" is correct as we all know. Since I generally lay on the tank, I quite often ride with my left hand on the top of the left fork to eliminate the parachute on that side. So I am guiding the bike with only my right hand. This makes the effects of counter steering very obvious as I change lines with slight little pushes or pulls on the right grip. A fun exercise I would recommend to anyone. Most of the rest of the article I'm sorry to say seems a bit backwards. Which is not too surprising. Motorcycle dynamics is very complicated and even as yet, there is no consensus on a "unified theory". The main page at Wiki even seems to contradict itself from one paragraph to the next regarding gyroscopic precession.
But, my bike does self correct it's lean into a side wind. I don't mean to say that it is perfectly balanced to the point of riding a straight line forever. But it's initial reaction is the correct direction and seemingly instantaneous and without sticktion.