Thread: Hey folks!
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Noob
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Spokane, Washington
Posts: 9
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Hey folks!

My name is Brad. New to this forum, but have served as PR/Mod on another auto forum NOT related to Metros or ecomods.

I drive a 94 Metro 4dr, 5spd, 3cyl. It has 204k miles, 5 deer, and side swiped by an S-10. Runs ok, drives excellent, and all doors/windows work.

Bought the car for cheap transportation when I had a 100 mi round trip to work in the sticks. Not a pretty car, but it's a status symbol when I fill up.

Worst MPG so far, 34 w/ headwind and cutting mountain passes at 70 mph to Missoula, Montana. Best MPG so far, 58 drafting a Hay Semi at 60mph on flat land. Avg MPG 42-45, 40/60 city/hwy through winding gulch/hills.

Mods: fuzzy dice, loose bumper (deer), missing front core support (deer/snow), 3rd old license plate cradling exh system (deer/snow), krylon rebuild on original turbine style dog dishes.

My short term goals are to figure out why Blucifer just started to idle like crap, started to shock me upon exit, and squeals new serp belts... (seemingly related problems 4 tanks ago. Ground?)

I hope to learn, and serve how I can.

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