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Old 02-09-2012, 08:26 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mans View Post
quoted from a magazine review of the 2011 hyundai elantra:

Cruising in sixth gear at around 80 mph with light throttle yields an impressive indicated average fuel economy of around 50 mpg...

I'm gonna have to call BS on this. It didn't seem right when I read it and it certainly doesn't seem right once I ran a few numbers.

Height - 56.5 in
Width - 69.9 in
Cd - .28
Cda - 6.45

Throwing those numbers into our aero and RR calculator shows that the engine would have to be running at 42% efficiency to get that mileage! Quoting wikipedia...

Modern gasoline engines have an maximum thermal efficiency of about 25% to 30% when used to power a car.
Also, if you compare it to some of the other vehicles in the speed vs mpg charts posted you'll find that number rediculously optimisitc. It even beats out the Prius which is a more aerodynamic and smaller vehicle and we know the atkinson cycle engine is more efficient than an otto cycle. The cda of the Prius is of 5.83, a solid 10% lower than Elantra. That means their engine has to be 10% + more efficient than the Prius to make up for the aero losses. Call me skeptical, but I don't see that happening.
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