Originally Posted by Cd
Does anyone know the Cd of the 2009 Fit ?
I found the first generation Cd figure - GASP !
point thirty six !
There are pickup trucks with Cd figures better than that !
What has Honda done to the car to make the drag so poor on the first generation ?
I certainly hope the second is better !
( The Ford Lightning pickup for instance has a .36 Cd as well )
Don't forget Cd doesn't tell you the actual drag. You have to multiply that by the frontal area. This is not well publicized in the car world as a way of making you feel good about buying that new sport ute that gets 23mpg because it has a Cd of .30 which you must then multiply times a barn door. My motorcycle with me on it has a Cd of about .60 but the frontal area is much smaller so I am able to get 87mpgUS due to a much lower Cd times Area.