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Old 02-10-2012, 01:47 PM   #81 (permalink)
Tire Geek
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Originally Posted by racerc2000 View Post
it seems ive rubbed some people the wrong way. it seems I will have to go elsewhere to get an unbiased answer.

as for anything meaningful that was mentioned. thanks for your time.

I hope you come back, because you will not be finding the answers to your questions elsewhere.

But you need to be aware that even tires of the same size can have HUGE!!!! differences in rolling resistance - up to 60% different.

Changing tire size has a small affect.

Replacing OE tires (which are generally known for their low RR), and replacing them with tires with improved treadwear and traction properties - well it's going to negatively affect your fuel economy.

And for heavens sake, if you've read anything about tires in these forums, you should already know that you're going to take a hit in FE just by putting on new tires.

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