Originally Posted by Frank Lee
F.Y.I. I've seen a credible analysis that says vehicle-generated electricity costs 4x what household electricity does... I saw the figures he used to do that calc; my electricity is much cheaper so the electricity I use in my car probably costs 5x what it does at the outlets in my house! 
I would say that this point is debatable, esspecially when you add the conversion from household electricity to battery, that would add another loss.
If the study was done assuming ideal load conditions, then household electricity is probably far cheaper, but add low load, no load and peak load conditions into the mix and the story may be different.
What is the cost measure? If I run my vehicle on renewable fuel that I produce then that would be free.
How was the comparison done, electricity in a vehicle is only a minor part of vehicle cost.
There is a big movement towards decentralised electricity production in the sustainable building area, where electricity generation is incorporated into building design using gas or diesel as fuel supply, these are large commercial & residential buildings.
So maybe the National grids aren't as efficient as we may think.