Thread: Sedan boattail
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Old 02-11-2012, 04:14 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sentraguy View Post
I had never thought of trying a kammback on the car. I was debating on extending the back of the car about a foot and a half and narrowing the sides of the car. I messed up the deck lid while trying to reweld the top, and forgot to cover the back glass, so there is a lot to fix. The rear quarterpanel was dented when I bought the car and the back bumper is shot. Thus the time to try something custom. On to road legalities, is there anything illegal about testing something like this while blocking the back window? Also, how would a partial kammback and a boat tail work out? Might be time to do some testing
Hucho and his team streamlined the Jetta notchback by boat-tailing from the rear wheel centerline,back to the trailing edge,losing 125mm from each side.Cd dropped from around o.425,to 0.375.About 12% drag reduction ( 6% mpg @ 55 mph).
If you did a corresponding roof extension,you'd see greater reduction.
The Sentra should already have some side body camber.You could just pick up from where Nissan left off,gently curving in as you move aft.
If you can find a Mercedes Benz 190 from the 1980s,it would serve as a wind tunnel tested example of a proper notchback boat tail,as is mentioned by Hucho.I saw one yesterday here in Denton.
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