How are you driving that you get up to 26mpg? Or is your truck just that much more efficient than my F250?
Some of us have genuine diesels, the rest wish they had a Cummins. (Click on the Fuel Log link below my signature). And we have another member who walks on water . . little boys like Skyking and me are barely able to stay within 70% of what he & his Cummins can do.
Ed-in-Maine, kidding aside, I recommend you do a search of all threads started by
Big Dave as his 7.3L Ferd is a great template of ideas for your truck. I'd PM him after a thorough read of those threads, and then of his other posts here (he also posts extensively on Ford forums). For dollars and cents experience, he's your man (to get things started). Until quite recently no one else had numbers even close to his.
The real money is in driver training. Costs nothing & pays the biggest returns. Plus, no matter age or vehicle there is always more to learn: I hit a nice marker this past week as shown in
this thread where the modified driving I was doing was again modified in light of newer (better) information.