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Old 02-12-2012, 10:01 AM   #56 (permalink)
user removed
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No kids of my own here gentlemen. I am surprised we haven't incinerated ourselves already.

Remember Kruschev at the UN, "We will bury you" speech.

Remember people building bomb shelters in their back yards.

Remember the London fogs that killed people, or LA, or NY, when pollution levels were a lot worse than they are now.

Today if I follow and old pre pollution controls car down the road and it is running badly and spewing out a lot of unburned HC, it literally makes me sick.

In Saudi Arabia today the cost of extracting one barrel of oil is supposedly $2, but to keep their economy running it needs to sell for more than $80. CO levels are rising, as we deforest the planet.

Do I believe it takes the atmosphere 100 years to clean itself?
Do I believe we are going to drown in the coastal areas as the sea level rises?

They say the sea level has risen 7 inches since 1930 around here. Being very close to the ocean makes the effects of sea level rise very obvious.

Is it due to global warming?
What else could it be due to?

Is that global warming due to human activities?
Lets see, the opposite of global warming is global cooling, reduced food production and starvation, so if I had to choose between the two I guess I like warm better.

Is the average temperature of the global atmosphere a constant?

Well, last year we had a lot of snow, not sure how much but when you scrape it off your driveway so you can get to the road and it stays on the ground for a month, you remember it. This year just a small amount, maybe one inch that is melting as I post this.

I'll tell you this about the whole scenario. It's like the Biblical "Boy who cried Wolf" scenario, when the Wolf showed up, no one believed the Boy was in danger.

If global warming is cyclical then we can do nothing about it. If human caused, we probably won't ever do enough about it in the minds of many, but even when my brothers house is surrounded by water, even at low tide, I will know the sea level is higher than it is today, but I won't be sure of why it is higher, and the continuous writings of those who take extreme positions either advocates or opponents will not make that sea level drop by a single millimeter.

Actions speak louder than words, YOUR sacrifice speaks a heck of a lot louder than YOU proposing MY sacrifice, leadership by example will ALWAYS impress me much more than a demand that I pay an astounding price for YOUR perceived impending disaster, including the most recent "tipping point" scenarios, the most disgusting form of sensationalism.


Last edited by user removed; 02-12-2012 at 10:12 AM..
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