I've noticed a couple of days ago, that some new people after their 1st post
had not been greeted by anyone... I went back to 12/31/2011.
We complain about sharing the roads w knuckleheads, yet when people drop in here from the sky, we may be cutting our own throats but not understanding how important feeling a part of it all means.
I'm as guilty as anyone, not being a high tech Mr. Goodwrench type, especially w real newer cars, so WE, as a whole, often stick close only to our favorite threads.
Coming world events will increase the interest in us more, a large group of us could bring about more products suited to us at lower prices, and we could
have some legislative pull if we care more for each other.
I'm glad someone was patient w me. Early on, I didn't even know how to do paragraphs. Now, Arragonis, has taught me, and others how to post pictures.
We were all born w a baby like quality to be somewhat self centered.
You may not feel like you are wired to greet someone that has a rig, or ideas
very different from yourself.
Could we be just a little more polite, and give of ourselves a bit more?
This is a great forum, and I'm certainly not knocking it.
Can we not throw out the baby w the bath water?
It's not how much we know, but do people know how much we care?
Thanks for letting me air! Welcome any/all comments.
Let's run our race smart, and not hurry so, so that we lock up!
Larry Buck