Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
Just to add another perspective, the units of watt*hr/mi are newtons, which is force. You are measuring how much force is acting against the car at a given speed. Higher speed means more force pushing against the car.
(watt) * hr / (mi) =
(newton*meter/sec) * 3600sec / (1609.344meter) =
2.237 newton
One newton is 0.225 pounds of force, so a 400watt*hr/mi car would need a guy pushing it with
2.2237*0.225*400 = 200 pounds
of force to keep it moving at the rate it's going.
240V and 90A is 21450 Watts. at 746W per hp it's taking 28.8 hp to push that car along. how can 28.8 hp equal 200 pounds of force required to push it along? something not right
is there a page for how much hp is required to push a car along at highway speeds? would like to see some figures