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Old 02-13-2012, 12:16 PM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Oakton, VA
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1998 SL2 auto is my daily.

I have a semi-urban commute with lots of stop/go (outside D.C.). 10 miles, 9 traffic lights, 2 stop signs. Some lights I have to wait for more than a cycle. Average speed is around 25mph, and I hit 60 on the highway for approx 2 miles. I'm averaging just over 30 : 98 Saturn SL2 Automatic (Saturn SL2) | Fuelly

My 95 SW2 auto only averaged 28-29, and my manual 94 SW2 I was able to average 32 (although difference circumstances as that car was modified).

I've EOC'd and shut the engine off at lights and achieved 33mpg before, but it simply wasn't worth the hassle. I also don't want to modify my driving style in a way that will piss off other drivers in dense traffic (like some of the hypermiling techniques on here) I'm here more to do mods that will passively increase my mileage, not stuff that requires my full time attention. My DD is my lazy car, I want to keep it that way
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