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Old 02-14-2012, 10:50 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by serialk11r View Post
That's great, only problem is a non-hybrid vehicle has no way of using 6kW!
True, but note that 6kW is the max. shaft power - ie. the 2-litre ICE shown has to be going some to push the exhaust stream hard enough for 6kW, plus the best electrical efficiency is 90% and only for high voltage.
I still reckon $/kW a turbo-machine like this would be better value than the TEG option, at least until the technology matures. And providing, as you say, you can apply 6kW to something ... BAS (belt alternator starter) type hybrids aren't beyond the backyard tinkerer.
The costliest part for one off build of something like the TIGERS design would be the high-speed generator, but the turbo could be 2nd hand and relatively cheap.

Originally Posted by serialk11r View Post
I want to try taking a rather large turbine and gearing it straight to the crankshaft via pulley, it would do best at high rpms where typical cam phasing systems have the exhaust opening earliest.
I'd still go via the electrical route due to the differential in revs the turbo wants to run at against those of the engine, ie. at mid-revs say 2500 on 3/4 load the turbine will still be most efficient spinning near to it's maximum of 80k. Also there is no need to plumb in additional bypass on the exhaust.
With the power routed -> Turbo-Generator-PowerController-Motor a cut-out is easy, with no concerns about choking the gas-flow. Hey, throw in an ultracapacitor bank as well for that extra kick!
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