Reading through this, I can just picture in my mind the cop, sitting on the side of the road with his RADAR gun, looking for speeders. Then his radar pops up for 12MPH... and he has to sit there... and wait... until finally... you coast past him at 10... miles... per... hour...
You're going way too slow for a 60mph road, no flashers on, no reflective triangle, no smoke billowing out of the back of your car, no real sign of distress other than going so slow. The cop then decides to follow. You speed up, you slow down, you speed up, you slow down.
You are driving drunk. Cop pulls you over.
Cop goes through the motions of talking to you (to smell your breath) by asking you why you're going so slow. You tell him you're "not in a hurry". Cop recognizes a BS line and gives you the "official" DUI/DWI tests. But, you pass. Now cop thinks you're smoking crack or shooting meth - either way he's going to want to keep an eyeball on you and put your ID through the system paces, just in case you're a repeat 10mph offender.
I really think, if you have the respect for cops like you say you do, you should've just explained about aeromodding/ecomodding & pulse/glide testing to him from the very beginning (hell, tell 'em about If he tells you that you are going to slow, then apologize and say you won't do it again. There's a good chance that he was in a "WTF" moment watching you pass him doing 10 in a 60, then giving him a "BS" line of "I'm not in a hurry" adds up to an "OMG-WTF-BS" mood, which for a cop is never good because he'll reply with "IC 9-21-5-7" and call in "Code3" on the radio. Very bad.
I hope the judge was understanding.
By the way, the minimum safe speed limit for a 60mph zone, is posted on a sign at mile marker 153, east bound, on Interstate-40 in New Mexico, for your reading convenience. Yep, one sign.
Don't be ignorant of the laws now. lol