Originally Posted by mcrews
how long is the comute?
Does the vehicle start outside (so the temp has settled in overnite)
or is it in the garage?
My commute is 24 miles each way. The truck is outside, but I use my coolant and oil pan heaters at home (in the morning). In the evenings it's a true cold start. That's one thing that's not captured very much in the average temperature metric--cold evenings or worse for me that cold mornings, because the heaters help in the morning. That said, it's usually is warmer in the evening, because I'm usually leaving right before sunrise in the morning--which is the coldest point of the whole day.
Also, I should add that I try to avoid using the heater/defroster until I get to full operating temps (usually takes ~12 miles). The exception to that is when I need the defroster/defogger to see clearly. If it's just a little fog, I've learned that cracking the window about an inch with take care of it, but if that doesn't work I use the defogger/defroster.
I have a garage, but the truck is literally about 4 inches shorter than the garage. Plus, my wife's car goes in the garage (of course), and putting it beside hers would make it really tight side-to-side as well. I figured it's just not worth the effort (and risk of damaging the garage, my truck, or her car). Plus, as it is, I can back up the driveway and park at the garage door so I can coast out in the morning. Plus, I'd waste fuel carefully jockeying it into place in the garage.