Originally Posted by sheepdog 44
Hi sheepdog,
I've been thinking along the same lines for a long time. I've concluded that gasoline-electric hybrid, Prius style, gets the best results.
But anyway, if you go to
this page on the ecomodder site and plug in the numbers for your car you see that the power to cruise is from 15 to 20 hp for 55 to 65 mph. But note the default weight is sub compact, the tire RR default is the best LRR tires you'll ever see, and the frontal area is quite small, but perhaps your car size.
So looking at the 3 engines you selected. I couldn't see any fuel use numbers for the Honda. The Haige is a diesel generator set so consider the efficiency of the generator, which itself might be between 50% and 80%, I don't know. Anyway they claim 280 g/kw hr. Diesel energy density works out to about 80g/kw hr so the overall efficiency of the genset is 80/280 or about 28%. The LAUNTOP diesel engine claims 200g/hp hr. continuous, which means at the 3000 rpm speed, 17 hp, Diesel energy density is about 60g/hp hr: 60/200 = 30% efficient. Now to cruise you'll need to vary the engine power and road speed over some range so you need a variable transmission of some kind and its losses. Take the 30% efficient engine, and assume 17 hp cruising at 60 mph. Again diesel has about 50 hp hr per gallon at 30% is 15 hp hr per gallon available. So 17 hp continuous needs just over (1.13) a gallon an hour or about 53 mpg.