Originally Posted by Cd
My thought exactly.
The airdam most likely just adds frontal area.
A few panels underneath can still make it even better though, and i agree with Basjoos about the pontoons.
I have to wonder about the added frontal area they ( pontoons ) have in crosswinds though, but thats a thread i'll create all by itself.
If you look at all of the ultra-low Cd vehicles such as the solar cars discussed recently, none of them have airdams since you can get lower drag by combining a smooth underside with well faired wheels.
Although the Prius has a cleaner underside than most cars, there's still a lot of room for improvement since it is still fairly rough under them. By smooth underside I'm talking about a panel(s) covering the entire underside, not the scattering of small, sometimes rough, panels seen under most "aero" production cars.