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Old 02-20-2012, 02:41 AM   #135 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Quite a few of them will at least try. Now you tell me how many people will actually make such a lifestyle change when it is prescribed. One in ten, maybe? (And that's a generous estimate.) But a majority will take the pill. So which actually does more medical good?
This has not been my experience at all. In fact, a number of my friends are doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, and they bemoan the fact that, in many cases, they aren't allowed to provide lifestyle coaching. Too much of a liability since it is not, technically, something that they are trained to do. One of my friends who is currently finishing his residency told me that very few (maybe < 10%) of doctors actually study nutrition in any way.

The opposite seems to be the case in countries with socialized medicine, because the state doesn't want to have to pay for pharmaceuticals and sick people.
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