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Old 02-20-2012, 11:34 AM   #140 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
But that is your problem right there. Instead of trying to understand the science - which abundantly proves the case - you go by what you "believe".
I'm laughing to myself a little bit because this is the exact same logic that was used by a bible-study instructor in order to illustrate how I should share the same interpretation as everyone else.

Why is it that I am wrong because I don't think/feel/believe that the current group of global warming scientists have successfully, and scientifically proven their case? Why is it I'm wrong because I do agree with scientists who have, based on their studies and analyses, come to the conclusion that global warming (while it might exist and might be a trend) is not, necessarily, an unnatural occurrence?

I think the biggest sin that the global warming scientists have made is that they put humans above the environment. We are not. Like bovines belching and farting, animals producing carbon dioxide, and plants producing oxygen, we are just another facet of our environment. As a species, we are responsible for the extinction of thousands of other species. That trend started thousands of years before fossil fuels, and unless we learn to live within our means and the carrying capacity of this planet, that trend will continue long after there are no more fossil fuels to burn. "Green energy" isn't the answer, either. As with so many other problems that humans fail to understand, the answers lie inside, not outside.
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