No solutions, just repetitive claims of the doomsday scenario, which has been predicted since the Roman Empire, yet we are still here.
I live very near the ocean, in fact my brother lives about 20 feet from tidal water. WE have seen 7 inches of sea level increase in the last 80 years, measured precisely.
Wild claims about "unprecedented weather events" just "don't impress me much". Actually they have the opposite effect and actually decrease credibility of the claimants.
The worst hurricane to hit the tidewater area was 1649 with Chesapeake Bay water levels increasing by 15 feet. The worst in the last hundred years here has been a little over half of that amount.
When every thread on this fuel economy forum is hijacked and turned into an attempt to overwhelm the natural scepticism of rational people, then you do nothing to promote your position.
Without any practical solutions that involve rational steps to mitigate the issues with increasing carbon levels in the atmosphere, I find no point in following the endless babbling. I also don't appreciate the waste of bandwidth and the level of arrogance it seems some might think is necessary.
I come here to talk about an idea I developed for over a decade, and to try to help people with problems using 60,000 hours of EXPERIENCE. A potential solution to the problem. Facts gentlemen, and a COST EFFECTIVE alternative to the status quo.
If all you have to add is the same old conclusions repeatedly, ad nauseum, you risk making this whole forum irrelevant.
You will not change a single persons mind. You might if you actually had any ideas of how to solve the problem, that people of modest means could actually implement.
Show the average person SOLUTIONS and they will follow credible guidance, especially if they can do so and save money as well as be more energy conscious.
If you have no solutions then you risk irrelevance with the incessant drivel.
Do I think the globe is warming?
Do I believe humanity is a contributing factor?
Do I think incessantly repeating the same position will have any positive effect?
Absolutely not.
Do I think solution oriented innovations that are rational and cost effective are the pathway to reversing the trend in climate conditions?
That's the basis of my IDEA to offer a better way to utilize the same amount of energy.
A cost effective pathway to greater efficiency.
Last post in this thread here.