Mr. Cheap, that's awesome
Is there any making sense of the actual numbers vs calculated?
mosier, do you get a voltage reading on that injector wire with the engine off but the ignition on (you shouldn't)? How far off is the consumption? Mine in the car is currently reading low by about half.
Yoshi, thanks for the tips.
Other updates: Updated code w/serial prints for the LCD data for logging/automated testing and to use the updated microSeconds() function from Yoshi.
Did some experimenting with progmem, it looks promising for reducing the ram usage, but nothing in the released code yet.
Also want to add better button management.
I know awillard has "dibs" on the hardwired signal generator, but I've got two dunios on my desk at the moment so I really think I should give this a shot since it seem so simple (to me anyway) and flexable, and with a computer in the loop it can run all kinds of test scenarios without regard for size limitations: