Regarding coatings, the ABS used by most FDM printers can be "blended" using a paint brush and acetone, it melts/welds the surface together making it significantly stronger and smoother. It takes a lot of time to do this though, unless you have a misting chamber.
You could certainly get away with one for a while, depending on the car. V-engines, where the manifold is supported equally on both sides by the head would be much easier. Engines like the 4-cyl in my Saturn would be difficult as the manifold pretty much hangs off the back of the engine.
Originally Posted by NachtRitter
Sounds like if you could print it in wax and then use lost wax sand casting, it could be beneficial?
You can investment cast directly off ABS. I use it for prototype stuff at work. You'd still need a finishing operation on the mating flanges and and screw holes though. In the end it would still cost as much as or more than making a custom manifold out of sheetmetal.
Originally Posted by merccom
just print the negative an cast it out of JB weld 
You can't, unless you print a multi-part mold, which would be a total *****.