Well, I pulled the trigger the other day gents and bought my DonorCycle for my diesel project. I have had so many people sell bikes out from under me when I was ready to travel to get the one I wanted, I had to settle for something else. I wanted a Honda Rebel but, I scored a great bike for my donor. It is a 2005 Kawasaki Eliminator 125! It has 11k on the bike and a brand new top-end, great condition overall. It was an 8 hour round trip down to the state of Oregon and back home to beautiful Idaho! I was not able to figure out how to post he pictures of it, so sorry. I will keep ya'll posted with its progress. I am trying to have it cut up, stretched, welded and on the road running for the Lacey Washington Green Day event May 5th, then have any bugs worked out of it for the Vetter Fuel Challenge scheduled for June 1st/2nd up here in the Northwest, location TBA. :{)