throttling loss exceeds 5%
well since there is no combustion taking place yet there is a huge difference in the amount of pressure in the cylinder between
wide open throttle and closed throttle , it would seem the pressure difference can be attributed to change in the ability of the engine to pump air into the combustion chamber
with a closed throttle as opposed to wide open throttle
with extreme suction throttling losses or almost no suction throttling loss
that difference clearly exceeds 5% .
back pressure at higher flow is measured at under 5psi but back pressure varies with flow and is negligible at flow under 50%
suction throttling losses also vary with flow
but even at MAX flow with over 4 psi measured back pressure there is over 4x more pressure in the cylinder without the suction throttling loss imposed by the closing of the throttle plate .
Originally Posted by mort
Hello mwebb,
I've studied your graph and read your posting, but I can't tell what you are asking. Please elaborate.
Last edited by mwebb; 02-23-2012 at 11:40 PM..
Reason: so this engine pumps over 4x better at WOT than at closed throttle