Yes in closed loop computer is always calculating long term and short term correction parameters. If lambda says engine is running rich short term parameter is degreased and when short term correction is below 1 long term correction is also lowered but with slower speed.
Injection time is calculated in closed loop (simplified) original_injection_time*long_term_correction*short _correction
Injection time in open loop is (simplified)
original_injection_time(which is different than in closed loop)*long_term_correction
original_injection_time is the parameter that takes into account all the other parameters that ecu takes into account
But problem with e85 is that the long_term_correction parameter is getting larger than its maximum value and ecu thinks there is a problem in fuel injection system.
Last edited by Speeed3; 02-24-2012 at 05:29 PM..
Reason: trying to make it more understandable