Originally Posted by Ed-in-Maine
Kamperbob,-yes HF base is 4'x8', I've been thinking of widening to tire width but it's not giving much more utility. The design has a his/her door on each side. But craw over isn't that bad , had to do it on our last two boats.
That Airstream looks sharp but I was glad to be sitting down when I saw some used prices OMG Also weight becomes an issue. I have an uncle towing a Scamp 13' with a Matrix, IMHO he's nuts. I want to keep empty trailer weight under 600lbs, loaded for highway 1000lbs.
Ed, I agree those Airstream Basecamps are outrageously priced. Even if I won the lottery, rather than buy one I'd rather build a factory and make my own. LOL
Yes, weight is important. I have many camper designs swirling around my head. I've sketched up some to work out geometry and trade-off puzzles but currently lack the facilities to build anything. But I have varied skills and experiences working with a range of materials. My current favorite approach for projects of this magnitude is fiberglass coated foam board. Some years ago a gentleman used this approach to make a full slide-in camper that he said weighed only 600 pounds! Sadly, I lost the link... (pout)